Sobre nosotros

Somos una preparatoria que fomenta el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas sólidas, el pensamiento crítica y una formación bilingüe.


  • Mayorazgo de Solís 65, Xoco, 03330, Ciudad de México.
  • contacto@isb.edu.mx
  • Lunes a Viernes
    8:00 AM a 16:00 PM
  • 55 5330 9070

Mtra. Priscilla Hoffman

Directora General

About Milano Digits

Milano is a certified network engineer with over 10 years of experience in designing and deploying network solutions. She specializes in configuring and optimizing network devices and protocols to ensure maximum performance and security. Jane has extensive experience working with Cisco and Juniper network devices and is always up-to-date with the latest networking technologies.

our team has the skills and expertise to provide comprehensive and effective IT solutions for small businesses. We are committed to delivering high-quality services and building long-term partnerships with our clients.